Custom Bourbon Tours

We have relationships will all the best Bourbon Distilleries! Schedule a trip to your favorite Distilleries or let us create a custom VIP experience. The Central Bourbon Tour will bring you to the classic flavors such as Buffalo Trace, Four Roses, Woodford Reserve, as well as, the many Central Kentucky attractions! Head to Louisville and experience Downtown's expertly crafted bourbons in the Urban Distillery Tour. Or, travel to tradition through the beauty of Kentucky on the Southern Bourbon Tour including Makers, Jim Beam, Bardstown Bourbon Company and others. You can have it all during our custom VIP Bourbon Tour with Kentucky Legacy Tours.

UK Games & Keeneland or Kentucky Derby Van

If it’s one thing that Kentucky knows, it’s how to enjoy local sporting events! From UK Football and Basketball games to the Cincinnati Reds and Bengals. Or book a day at the races! Parking and transportation can be a hassle, so why not let Kentucky Legacy Tours worry about it? There’s plenty of room on board for your tailgating needs!

Corporate Outings/Client Entertainment

Team Building and Client Entertainment doesn’t always have to be lackluster. Energize your outings with a trip to your corporate event or retreat in a Kentucky Legacy Tours Limo Van. Plush seating and climate control will keep everyone comfortable on the way, and plasma TVs and sound systems are perfect for displaying company videos. Give us a call for a custom quote and for destination recommendations that’ll best accommodate you and your group.

Bachelorette Parties

Your last night as a single needs to be full of unabashed indulgence and whimsical surprises on one of our luxury vans. Whether it’s shopping and dinner, a day at the spa or a night out on the town. We’re happy to help with restaurant recommendations or scheduling assistance—just give us a call to find out our rates.

Wedding Party Limo Van

Your wedding is one of the most memorable days in your life. We recognize the pressure that comes with planning and executing your special day, so we’ll take care of wedding party and family travel so that you don’t have to worry. The spacious luxury filled Kentucky Legacy Tours Vans let the bridal party stretch out and relax, and full climate-control gets everyone to the church or reception in comfort!

Prom, Dances & Fraternity Formal's Limo Van

Show up in style! Whether is a prom, formal, or a night to show out. Kentucky Legacy Tours will be your Cinderella Stage Coach.

This is the way to turn heads!